Josh Soskin: Photographer: Carpinteria

It’s the absence of that stuff that helps me get work done.

Name: Josh Soskin

Occupation: Filmmaker / Photographer

Hometown:   Carmel, California

Current Location:  Carpinteria, California


What do you do? Why do you do it?

I make art and tell stories through films, photos and writing. Not sure why I do it - either because it genuinely fulfills my soul, or because I’m seeking validation from my parents. 

Did you study anywhere or self taught?

Essentially self taught, though Judith Westin has taught me everything I know about directing actors. 


What’s your favourite camera and/or equipment to work with?

The Nikon Fm2 was god’s gift to photography. It’s a perfect tool. 


Who are your favourite photographers?

Eeesh. Toughie. No particular favorites but I do love Bill Eggleston, Larry Sultan, Lee Friedlander, Cartier Bresson to name a few.

Who or what else inspires you?

Oh man. I’m easy. Everything inspires me.  A stranger’s face, the way the light hits in the afternoon, a story that moves me. TRAVEL. 

How did you manage during Covid times? Did you create or reflect?

I think I did both. I finished a script I’d spent years on and started another one. I actually sold a lot of photography. I spent time with my family. It wasn’t too bad (for us).

How have you evolved over the years?

I’d like to think I’m getting wiser but its possible Im not. I try to pick better projects. I try to focus more on story than artifice. I think having kids has focused me a lot more. I’m still fairly ADD.

What are you listening to atm?

The awful music that American Airlines plays while you board a plane.  But I did just go see War on Drugs and they were amazing. 

What websites do you frequent?

Ebay. I’m addicted to buying cameras. It’s a problem. 

What tools or apps help you get your work done?

Honestly, it’s the absence of that stuff that helps me get work done. I like retreats away from the city. I love airplanes and trains to work. When the internet is out - I get stuff done. 

Are you reading or watching anything right now?

I’ve been reading Steinbeck’s “Travels with Charlie”  - it’s a slow burn, lovely to put you to bed at night.  I’ve been loving “Winning Time” on HBO written by my friend Max Borenstein.  The cinematography is fantastic, the cast, the whole thing is great.

Where are you travelling to next?

Next big trip is Bolivia to go shoot a short film. 

What is your greatest achievement?

Realistically my only achievement is my kids. They’re cooler than any of the art I’ve made. 

One thing you would like to achieve this year?

I’d love to get my first feature financed and shot. It’s called The Rooster Prince and it’s basically my life in 120 pages, but like - if my life were a really good film. 

What advice would you share to others wanting to get into your profession?

Be ok with being broke. I wish I’d spent less time grinding on commercials and more time making pure art. But money is a motherfucker. 

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