“I’ve always been drawn to storytelling, even before I picked up a camera. ”
Name: Anna Landstedt
Occupation: Visual Merchandiser & Photographer
Hometown: Originally from a small town in Sweden
Current Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
What do you do? Why do you do it?
I’m a Visual Merchandiser and a Photographer. I’ve always been drawn to storytelling, even before I picked up a camera. I worked in fashion for many years, and as such, it became very natural for me to create a narrative around photography.
Did you study anywhere or self taught?
I picked up my first camera as a teenager and have been playing around with photography and compositions ever since. As the years have gone by, I’ve always brought a camera with me wherever I’ve traveled - learning and trying new things out.
What’s your favourite camera and/or equipment to work with?
I just switched from Canon systems to Leica and currently bringing my new camera everywhere, getting to know the ins and outs of it. It’s forced me to re-think my photography in a 28mm universe - it’s a learning curve, but so far it’s been great going beyond my comfort zone.
Who are your favourite photographers?
It’s hard to name a few but I’ve been fan-girling Cara Mia for a while now, as she always seem to find new angles and push the perspectives of her photography.
Who or what else inspires you?
People and places. I always feel the most inspired when traveling. The combination of palm trees, water and natural light instantly recharges my batteries and puts me in a creative mindset.
How did you manage during Covid times? Did you create or reflect?
The pandemic was tough, but luckily we were probably able to get through it a lot easier that other people. Having to juggle a full-time job and being a mom whilst being locked up at home definitely put a strain on my creative side. It really made me reflect a lot on what kind of photographic direction I wanted to take.
How have you evolved over the years?
After going back and forth on directions and vibe for a couple of years, I finally feel like I’m now leaning more into my definitive style of photography, trusting my gut feeling. I’m craving more intention, balance and meaning. I’m embracing the messy in-betweens and unpredictable images that sparks something inside.
What are you listening to atm?
My music taste is a big mixed bag of artists and genres, always a fan of lounge vibes or tracks that put me in an eternal summer mindset. Body and Soul by Eli Escobar gets played alot alongside Gimme little sign by Brenton Wood.
What websites do you frequent?
I don’t spend much time on blogs or podcasts, but whenever I want some inspiration for our next travels I go to the aesthetic Hotel Weekend (www.hotel-weekend.com)
What tools or apps help you get your work done?
I do most of my work in Lightroom and Photoshop, but I also enjoy starting up projects in InDesign, putting mood boards together to better visualize the direction and details I want to capture in a project.
Are you reading or watching anything right now?
I recently got back into reading again during lockdown (after binging the entire Netflix library). Currently reading “On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous” by Ocean Vuong.
Where are you travelling to next?
Next up is Barcelona - it’s like a second home for us. Also, I’m very exited to be going back to Bali again for the (Euro) summer of June/July. It will be the first time since the pandemic and it’s been way to long since my last Babi Guling.
What is your greatest achievement?
That’s an easy one - my sons. No matter what I’ll do professionally or creatively, raising my two boys will forever be my greatest and most fulfilling achievement. Hoping to be able to inspire a spark of creativity and wanderlust in their lives as the grow up.
One thing you would like to achieve this year?
One of my goals this year has been to slow down the pace and put more intention into my photography. I’ve been brainstorming around a new project for 2023 and hopefully by the end of this year I’ll have set the framework to get it started up. More to come on this...
What advice would you share to others wanting to get into your profession?
Just start, better sooner than later. Surround yourself with supportive and creative people and take the leap. I believe strongly in learning by doing, so there is no wrong way to look at things, only a fresh perspective.