Hayley & Lauri Smith: Serpent & The Swan: Sydney


Name: Hayley & Lauri Smith
Occupation: Founders / Designers of Serpent & the Swan
Hometown: Born in South Africa and grew up in Melbourne
Currently residing: Sydney

If you havent already guessed it Hayley & Lauri Smith are sisters, very talented sisters, who are the master minds behind Serpent & The Swan…

When I was a kid I wanted to be Lauri a cartoonist or a puppet maker Hayley a Fashion Designer and/or Vampire.

I studied at Lauri COFA Bachelor of Fine Art then I went on to study special effects make up and prosthetics at 3 Arts make up technology Collage. Hayley Bachelor of Design: Fashion & Textiles at The University of Technology, Sydney.

The tools I can’t live without Lauri my sculpting tool Hayley a pair of sharp fabric cutting scissors.

The obstacles that have come our way are definitely financial obstacles! We started this label with very little so we have had to make it work and take our time growing our business organically.

The highlight for us over the past 12 months have been our debut show at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in 2013 which was really exciting, also getting the opportunity to travel to interesting places within Eastern Europe which became a source of inspiration for our upcoming show.

Our advice for anyone wanting to get into your profession is to listen to your intuition and never give up! One word pretty much some’s it up…. TENACITY!

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Photographer: Katie Kaars